公演名 | 大分ベートーヴェン・プロジェクト2020 ベートーヴェン・チクルス OPAM開館5周年記念 ドイツ・カンマーフィルハーモニー管弦楽団 |
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日時 | 2020年12月7日(月) 開場18:15 開演19:00 終演予定21:00 | |||||||||||||
会場 | iichiko総合文化センター iichikoグランシアタ | |||||||||||||
出演 | 指揮:パーヴォ・ヤルヴィ、ヴァイオリン:諏訪内晶子 | |||||||||||||
曲目 | ベートーヴェン ヴァイオリン協奏曲 ニ長調 ベートーヴェン 交響曲第7番 イ長調 | |||||||||||||
料金 | GS席10,000円 S席8,000円 A席6,000円 B席4,000円 C席2,000円 U25割 半額(B・C席のみ) ※未就学児入場不可 | |||||||||||||
チケット発売 |
10月16日(金)10:00 友の会びび先行発売 11月 6日(金)10:00 一般発売 | |||||||||||||
チケット取扱 |
企画展およびコレクション展を団体割引料金にて観覧できます。 | |||||||||||||
特別協賛 | 三和酒類株式会社 | |||||||||||||
助成 | ![]() 独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会、一般財団法人地域創造 | |||||||||||||
後援 | ![]() OBS大分放送、TOSテレビ大分、エフエム大分、ゆふいんラヂオ局、 J:COM大分ケーブルテレコム、シティ情報おおいた | |||||||||||||
主催・お問合せ | iichiko総合文化センター〔公益財団法人大分県芸術文化スポーツ振興財団〕 〒870-0029 大分市高砂町2-33 TEL.097-533-4004 | |||||||||||||
注意・備考 |
・演奏中および楽章間の客席への入場は制限させていただきます。様々な制約の中ではございますが、ご協力をお願いいたします。 ・やむを得ない事情により出演者・演奏曲目・曲順などが変更されることがあります。 ・公演中止の場合を除き、予約・購入後のキャンセル・変更・払い戻しはできません。 ・営利を目的としたチケットの転売は法律で禁止されています。 転売されたチケットは無効となる場合がございますので、ご注意ください。 ・未就学児童の同伴はご遠慮ください。無料託児サービスをご利用ください。 (要申込:12月1日(火)17:00まで。満1歳児から未就学児まで。定員10名) ・無料託児サービスおよび車いす席のお問合せ・ご予約は iichiko総合文化センター企画普及課(097-533-4004)までご連絡ください。 |
事業名 | ベートーヴェンレクチャー |
開催日程 |
第1回 第1番~第4番 9月16日(水) 18:00~19:30 (開場 17:30) 第2回 第5番~第8番 10月14日(水) 18:00~19:30 (開場 17:30) |
会場 | iichiko総合文化センター iichiko音の泉ホール |
講師 | 森口真司(大分県立芸術文化短期大学) |
入場料 | 無料 ※ドイツ・カンマーフィルハーモニー管弦楽団のチケットを購入者限定としていましたが、 発売日が延期となりましたので、どなたでもご参加いただけます(各回先着340名様)。 iichiko総合文化センター1階インフォメーション、電話またはホームページにてお申込みください。 |
チケット受付 |
8月28日(金)10:00 友の会びび先行発売 9月 7日(月)10:00 一般発売 |

パーヴォ・ヤルヴィ (指揮) Paavo Järvi(Conductor)
膨大なディスコグラフィを持つ彼の最新プロジェクトには、ドイツ・カンマーフィルとのブラームスの交響曲全集、パリ管とのシベリウス交響曲全集、N響とのR.シュトラウス作品集などがあり、2018年にはエストニア・フェスティバル管のデビューCDとなるショスタコーヴィチ作品をAlpha Classicsよりリリース。またパリ管とのシベリウスの演奏と録音では、フィンランド人作曲家の音楽をフランスの聴衆に広めたことが認められ、シベリウス・メダルを授与された。
The Estonian conductor and Grammy Award winner Paavo Järvi is widely recognised as the musicians’ musician. On his farewell tour with the Orchestre de Paris, of which he was Music Director for six years, the Wiener Zeitung wrote: “One rarely experiences such an immediate connection between orchestra and conductor, such an extraordinarily attentive presence on both sides so that with economical means an understanding of the most subtle shades is possible.”
Paavo Järvi’s close association with orchestras is evident through his long-standing relationship with The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen of which he has been Artistic Director since 2004. This season he returns with them to Asia for performances across Japan and Korea in December 2018. Throughout 2018/19, they tour Europe with their latest
Schubert project, which includes an ongoing residency at Vienna’s Musikverein, and release the second album in their Brahms Symphonies cycle.
Paavo Järvi opens his fourth season as Chief Conductor of the NHK Symphony Orchestra, presenting a wide range of repertoire spanning from Orff’s Carmina Burana to Messiaen’s Turangalila. He is also Conductor Laureate of Frankfurt Radio Symphony and Music Director Laureate of Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
Before starting his new role as Chief Conductor and Music Director of the Tonhalle- Orchester Zürich from the 2019/20 season, Paavo Järvi will conduct the Orchestra several times both at home in Zürich and on tour in China and Korea in Autumn 2018.
In addition to his permanent positions, Järvi is in much demand as a guest conductor,appearing regularly with the Berliner Philharmoniker, London’s Philharmonia Orchestra,Staatskapelle Berlin, Münchner Philharmoniker, Staatskapelle Dresden and Leipzig Gewandhaus. Highlights of his recent and upcoming guest engagements include the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Wiener Philharmoniker, New York Philharmonic, Teatro alla Scala in Milan and NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester. This season, he also returns to the Orchestre de Paris, and takes London’s Philharmonia Orchestra on tour to Munich, Cologne and Hamburg in early 2019.
Each season concludes with a week of performances and master-classes at the Pärnu Music Festival in Estonia, which Paavo Järvi founded in 2011. As a Festival celebrating the orchestra at its heart, Paavo created a new ensemble which has become the uncontested highlight of the summer season: the Estonian Festival Orchestra. He toured with them for the first time in Europe’s major capital cities in January 2018 and introduced them to the BBC Proms and Hamburg Elbphilharmonie in August 2018. He now brings them, for the first time,to Japan in Spring 2019.
Paavo Järvi is a dedicated supporter of Estonian composers and is Artistic Adviser to the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra. He was awarded the Order of the White Star by the President of Estonia in 2013 for his outstanding contribution to Estonian culture.
With an extensive discography, Paavo Järvi’s upcoming projects include the second recording in the Brahms Symphony series with The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen featuring Brahms’ Symphony No.1 and Haydn’s Brahms Variations (Autumn 2018 Sony / RCA label). The complete Sibelius Symphony cycle, which Järvi recorded with the Orchestre de Paris, will also be released internationally in Autumn 2018. It was for this performance and recording project that Järvi was honoured with the Sibelius Medal, in recognition of his work in bringing greater attention to the Finnish composer’s music to French audiences.
Recent recording projects include the Estonian Festival Orchestra’s debut CD of Shostakovich on Alpha Classics, the first of three Strauss albums with NHK Symphony Orchestra on RCA Red Seal/Sony, the complete Nielsen Symphonies with Frankfurt Radio Symphony on Sony, and Elgar and Walton’s Cello Concertos with Steven Isserlis and Philharmonia Orchestra on Hyperion.
Paavo Järvi has won a Grammy Award for his recording of Sibelius’ Cantatas with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Estonian National Male Choir and Ellerhein Girls Choir. He was named Artist of the Year by both Gramophone (UK) and Diapason (France) in autumn 2015. He has also been appointed Commandeur de L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture, for his contribution to music in France.
Born in Tallinn, Estonia, Paavo Järvi studied Percussion and Conducting at the Tallinn School of Music. In 1980, he moved to the USA where he continued his studies at the Curtis Institute of Music and at the Los Angeles Philharmonic Institute with Leonard Bernstein.

諏訪内晶子 (ヴァイオリン) Akiko Suwanai(Violin)
現代作曲家作品の紹介も積極的に行い、これまでに三善晃作曲「弦の星たち」の世界初演およびアメリカ初演(1991)、クシシュトフ・ペンデレツキ作曲「ヴァイオリン協奏曲第2番・メタモルフォーゼン」の日本初演(1999)および南米初演2004)、レーラ・アウエルバッハ作曲「ヴァイオリン協奏曲第2番」の世界初演(2004)、マクミラン作曲「ヴァイオリン協奏曲」の日本初演2012)および北欧初演2013)、エサ=ペッカ・サロネン作曲「ヴァイオリン協奏曲」の日本初演(2013)、エリック・タンギ作曲「In a Dream」の世界初演およびフランス初演(2013)、キャロル・ベッファ作曲「ヴァイオリン協奏曲-A FloatingWorld」の世界初演(2014)、藤倉大作曲「pitter patter」の世界初演(2017)などに取り組んでいる。
2012年、2015年、エリザベート王妃国際コンクール、2018年ロンティボー国際コンクール、2019年チャイコフスキー国際コンクールヴァイオリン部門審査員。2012年より「国際音楽祭 NIPPON」を企画制作し、同音楽祭の芸術監督を務めている。
Praised by The Times for her “noble playing, with its rhythmic life, taut and rigorous,” Japanese violinist Akiko Suwanai was the youngest ever winner of the International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1990. Since then she has enjoyed a flourishing international career and appears regularly with celebrated maestros and foremost orchestras across the globe.
This season Akiko Suwanai debuts at Opéra National de Paris, performing the choreographed version of Salonen’s violin concerto. On this occasion Opéra Bastille sees a series of 13 ballet performances staged by Saburo Teshigawara and conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen. Other 2017/18 highlights include season opening with the Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla and John Axelrod, as well as returns to Orchestre de Paris for Sibelius’ Violin Concerto with Paavo Järvi, and Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai for Salonen’s Violin Concerto with Jonathan Webb. Suwanai returns tothe Svetlanov State Symphony Orchestra with Vasily Petrenko, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra with Gianandrea Noseda, NHKSymphony Orchestra, Hamburger Symphoniker, National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan, and Orchestre national du Capitole de Toulouse with Tugan Sokhiev.
An extremely keen chamber musician, Akiko Suwanai enjoys fruitful and longstanding collaborations with several artistic partners. In 2017/18, she will participate in Argerich Festival in Hamburg, Rosendal Festival with Leiv Ove Andsness and embarks on a 3-year Beethoven Violin Sonatas residency at Kumho Art Hall in Seoul. With Boris Berezovsky, she presents their brand-new recital programme in Moscow and St Petersburg. Following their critically acclaimed Decca Classics release featuring works by Frank, Strauss and Takemitsu, Akiko Suwanai also performs with Enrico Pace in Spain.
In recent years, Akiko Suwanai has established collaborations with Bamberger Symphoniker and Detroit Symphony Orchestra with Leonard Slatkin. She performed in Russia with Valery Gergiev and The Mariinsky Orchestra, in Hong Kong with Hong Kong Philharmonic and Lawrence Foster, in Germany with Gürzenich-Orchester Köln and François-Xavier Roth, and in the US with The Philadelphia Orchestra and Pablo Heras-Casado.
Akiko Suwanai is the Artistic Director of the International Music Festival NIPPON which she launched in 2012, offering a variety of orchestral and chamber music concerts, master classes and regular charity concerts for the Great East Japan Earthquake. The Festival also organizes World/Japanese premieres and commissions new works by international composers.
Akiko Suwanai performs on the Stradivarius ‘Dolphin’ violin from 1714, one of the most famous violins known today and previously owned by Jascha Heifetz, which has been kindly loaned to her by the Nippon Music Foundation.

The Deutsche Kammer philharmonie Bremen
The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen is one of the world's leading orchestras, captivating audiences everywhere with its unique style of music-making. The Estonian conductor Paavo Järvi has been the orchestra's Artistic Director since 2004.
One of the many highlights of the ensemble's collaboration with Paavo Järvi has been their Beethoven Project, on which the conductor and orchestra concentrated for six years. Their Beethoven interpretations have been acclaimed worldwide by audiences and critics alike as benchmark performances. They have thrilled listeners in Paris, Yokohama, Strasbourg, Warsaw, at the Salzburg Festival and the Beethovenfest Bonn with the complete cycle of nine Beethoven symphonies. The cycle was recorded on RCA and enthusiastically acclaimed by critics throughout the world. The TV and DVD documentary of the Beethoven Project produced by Deutsche Welle and Unitel was also greeted with a positive response, receiving numerous awards. The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen recently added a recording of Overtures (October 2014/RCA) to its Beethoven cycle.
Following the Beethoven Project The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen and Paavo Järvi focused on Robert Schumann's symphonic works with equal success. After sensational triumphs in Tokyo and Saint Petersburg, in 2012 the Schumann cycles were also acclaimed at the Beethoven Festival in Warsaw and Vienna's Konzerthaus. The third and last CD of the Schumann cycle − symphony no. 4 and the concert piece of 4 horns − received the renowned Diaposon d’Or, an important french music award. Also the TV/DVD documentary about the Schumann Project, produced by Deutsche Welle in cooperation with Unitel, arte and Radio Bremen, was presented with several awards.
The latest project of The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen − after Beethoven and Schumann − is the German composer Johannes Brahms.
For many years, the orchestra has cultivated close musical friendships with such internationally renowned soloists and conductors as Christian Tetzlaff, Maria João Pires, Viktoria Mullova, Hélène Grimaud, Janine Jansen, Igor Levit, David Fray, Hilary Hahn, Pekka Kuusisto, Martin Grubinger, Heinrich Schiff, Trevor Pinnock and Sir Roger Norrington.
The orchestra members devote themselves with strong personal commitment to their joint projects with the Bremen East Comprehensive School, where the ensemble's rehearsal rooms are now located.
The unique collaboration that has resulted has been recognized with numerous awards from the beginning, including the Zukunftsaward (Future Award) as "best social innovation" in 2007 and the ECHO Classical Award in 2012. With these projects, the musicians pursue the goal of encouraging individual development through music − especially, but not only in an educationally disadvantaged environment. The Minister of State for Culture has designated the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen's Future Lab as a model project.
In 2008 the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen received the prestigious German Founders Award in the special award category for its successful combination of entrepreneurship and culture. In 2009 three of the orchestra's CD releases won ECHO Classical Awards. The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen was honoured with the German Record Critics' Certificate of Special Merit in 2010 for its complete discography ranging from Bach to Ruzicka. The same year Paavo Järvi received the ECHO Klassik Award as Conductor of the Year for the Beethoven recordings.
The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen is Orchestra in Residence at the Elbphilharmonie Concerts in Hamburg, “Orchestra of the year” 2016 of Deutschlandradio Kultur and Festival Orchestra of “Kissinger Sommer”.
Partners of The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen